BIA measurement

BIA measurement

Bioelectric Impedance Analysis -
segmental measurement and evaluation of body composition.

Is the scale always right?

For many people, the desire for weight loss is at the top of their wish list. But looking at the scales is deceptive.
What does weight loss mean? Have you actually lost fat? Or just water? Or was muscle mass even lost? Of course, this should definitely be prevented!
A bioimpedance analysis provides answers to these questions and helps prevent and motivate frustration. For example, if you lost fat but gained muscle, the scales may still show you the same weight as before. You are on the right path and should definitely stay tuned!
Of course, this also applies to the reverse case: even in the case of unwanted weight loss, the BIA analysis shows the change towards the desired target weight and shows whether you have not only built up fat, but above all also muscle mass.

What does the BIA device do?

The BIA device analyzes the body composition with the help of bioelektrischen Impedanzanalysis. Weak AC measures the body composition easily, quickly, non-invasively and painlessly. The following compartments are determined:
  • fat mass
  • Fat-free mass including body cell mass (BCM)
  • Total body water
  • Water distribution in the areas of extra and intracellular space
The device determines the individual compartments based on their different conductivity. The ohmic resistance serves to determine the body water and the capacitive resistance measures the body cells (muscles).

The phase angle is regarded as the most important parameter for determining the body cell mass or muscles. It shows the phase shift of current and voltage that occurs when body cells flow through. It depends on the size and quantity of the body cells, the condition of the cell wall and the distribution of body fluids.
Well-nourished cells that are supplied with enough protein and nutrients have a high phase angle. The phase angle therefore gives us information about the energy status and metabolic performance of the cells. A well-nourished cell usually has good regulation processes and a high level of vitality. Then the mitochondria (the power plants of our cells) are able to produce enough energy.
The determination of the phase angle and the metabolically active body mass (body cell mass) is therefore very important. Not just determining fat mass.

How does the measurement work?

  • You lie relaxed on the couch. Only the socks have to be removed to place the electrodes.
  • Two electrodes are placed on both hands and feet.
    So I measure not only one half of my body, but four body segments (right arm - right foot, right arm - left arm, right foot - left foot and left arm - left foot). The segmental measurement provides an exact evaluation even with local edema or with strongly deviating body symmetry.
  • It is measured with a painless, weak alternating current.
  • The measurement results are already available after 20 seconds and show a comprehensive evaluation of your body composition. I will then discuss the data in detail with you.


There are a few small things to consider for optimal measurement results:
  • The last meal should ideally be 3 hours ago, but at least 1 hour.
  • The last sporting activity at least 12 hours.
  • Do not go to the sauna before the measurement.
  • You should not have consumed alcoholic beverages in the past 24 hours.
  • Drink as usual throughout the day. Avoid drinking large amounts shortly before the measurement. This liquid no longer changes the water balance in the cells, but changes their weight, which affects the measurement result.
  • Empty your bladder before taking the measurement.
  • If you have a pacemaker or other device in your body, the measurement cannot be performed.
  • If you are pregnant we have to wait until after pregnancy to take the measurement. The body composition and weight are so different due to the amniotic fluid alone that a measurement would not help. In addition, the device cannot distinguish which cells belong to you and which to the baby.
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